“Omics Basics” series hosted by Institute for Genome Sciences (IGS)

Date From-To
HSRF III (670 W. Baltimore St.), room 1010 or Zoom
Event Description

The next presentation in the Institute for Genome Sciences (IGS) “Omics Basics” series, a series of introductory level talks on the approaches, applications, and tools associated with bioinformatics and omics, will be by Seth Ament PhD, on epigenomics and regulatory genomes and how they can help answer biological questions.

Please feel free to bring your lunch, we will provide dessert. The event is free and open to anyone who is interested in the topic.  

Title: “Revealing the Regulatory Genome with Epigenomics"

Date: Tuesday, May 30th

Time: 12:00 – 1:00 pm

Location: HSRF III (670 W. Baltimore St.), room 1010 or Zoom

For more information on the program, please visit:    

Please email Joe Receveur, if you have any questions at jreceveur@som.umaryland.edu

Event Type