UMGCCC Research Newsletter





  UMGCCC Research

Cite P30 CCSGNCI Requires UMGCCC Members Cite Cancer Center Resources in all Publications

  • CRFPublications resulting from research,  training activities, pilot projects, and utilization of shared services supported by Cigarette Restitution Fund (CRF) award must contain the following acknowledgment: 
    “This (article, conference, publication, etc.) was supported by funds through the Maryland Department of Health's Cigarette Restitution Fund Program – CH-649-CRF.”  
  • P30 CCSGPublications resulting from research,  training activities, pilot projects, and utilization of shared services supported by Dr. Cullen’s P30 CCSG must contain the following acknowledgment (a PMCID will additionally need to be established): 
    “This (article, conference, publication, etc.) was supported by funds through the National Cancer Institute - Cancer Center Support Grant (CCSG) – P30CA134274.” 
  • Shared Resources: In addition to citing the P30 CCSG, publications resulting from utilization of shared services must contain the following acknowledgment: 
    “The authors thank XXXX Shared Resource of the University of Maryland Marlene and Stewart Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center for XXXX.” 
  • ACS-IRGPresent and Past Awardees, if you have received a pilot award through Dr. Webb’s (previously Dr. Martin) ACS-IRG Institutional Research Grant, please ensure you cite your publications appropriately. 
    Publications resulting from research or training activities supported by the American Cancer Society must contain the following acknowledgment: 
    "This (article, conference, publication, etc.) was supported by UMGCCC American Cancer Society Institutional Research Grant – IRG-18-160-16.”

Weekly Funding Opps

For questions regarding these opportunities, contact Sarah Laye at:

Enter keyword/s



News & Announcements

Research Programs

ET - Experimental Therapeutics
Maria Baer & Feyruz Rassool
co-program leaders

HRC - Hormone Related Cancers
Stuart Martin  & Arif Hussain
co-program leaders

MSB - Molecular and Structural Biology
David Weber  & France Carrier
co-program leaders

PS - Population Science
Joanne Dorgan  & Cheryl Knott
co-program leaders

TII - Tumor Immunology and Immunotherapy
Xuefang Cao  & Aaron Rapoport
co-program leaders

Center for Advanced Research Training  & Innovation (CARTI)

The Center for Advanced Research Training & Innovation (CARTI) is the “hub” for advanced biomedical research training and professional development opportunities for fellows and faculty at all career stages and open to all schools on campus with a focus on professional development for underrepresented minorities and women. CARTI provides classes, seminars, programs and resources to develop skills in effective grant writing, scientific communication, and scientific leadership skills necessary to succeed in an academic research institution.
Sign up for CARTI seminars and to receive their monthly newsletter.